Sunday 28 January 2018

Common Chat Abbreviations

List of Texting and Online Chat Abbreviations

1. OMG - Oh.. My God.

2. TYAL - Thank you a lot.

3. HAND - Have a nice day.

4. *WS - Wrongly sent.

5. K- Okay.

6. ASL - Age, Sex, Location.

7. <3 - Love.

8. BTW - By the way.

9. BBR - Be right back., BBS- Be back soon., BBL- Be back later.

10. ASPA - As soon as possible.

11. SAR- Sent as received.

12 .J4F Just for fun.

13. IMHO- In my humble opinion.

14.^5 - High-five.

15. Y?- Why.

16. WTH - What the hell?.

17. CUL- See you later.

18. HBD- Happy Birthday.

19. TTYL - Talk to you later.

20. W8 - Wait.

21. FYI@- For your information.

22. LOL- Laughing out loud.

23. FWIW- For what it's worth.

24. Sry. PB - Sorry. Personally Busy.

Share with Friends to start chat with all above Abbreviations

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